Risking I.T. Trans-Feminist Queer Digital Performance, Archives and Information Technologies

1. Abstract

This panel brings together research of the Trans Feminist Queer Digital Praxis Workshop. Cowan and Rault will open the panel with a presentation outlining the “heavy processing” ethico-methodologies that drive our DREC and Cabaret Commons projects. Minai will speak to “three digital sites of queer and trans female masculine fashion in the United States to think about non-normative masculinities in digital visual cultures.” Guzmán will take up the “queer impulse that led [Mexico City based] Meras efímeras to imagine Machistán has become an effort to digitize and archive materials and collect memories about our party-organizing political endeavor on a digital platform.” Aton will discuss “three feminist digital archives related to human rights in Sri Lanka: the Herstories archive, Adayaalam Centre for Policy Research’s ‘Stories of Resilience’ archive, and one hypothetical, unnamed archive that does not yet exist but that would include materials and narratives around enforced disappearances.”

Jas Rault (jas.rault@utoronto.ca), University of Toronto, TL Cowan (tl.cowan@utoronto.ca), University of Toronto, Naveen Zehra Minai (naveenminai@gmail.com), University of Toronto, Carina Guzmán (cartogeosapiens@gmail.com), University of Toronto and Henria Aton (henria.aton@mail.utoronto.ca), University of Toronto

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.