Representation Matters How Do We Promote a Radically Inclusive Digital Humanities?

1. Abstract

DH practitioners often stress a kind of radical inclusivity as foundational to the field. However, it is clear that uptake, funding, support, and attention have been greatest in R1 institutions, leaving behind teaching institutions, liberal arts colleges, art and design schools, HBCUs and more. At the same time, DH has traditionally been very male and white. Digital humanities can be most fruitful, however, when it functions at intersections, connecting people of different backgrounds, institutions, and geographies. We bring together this forum, facilitated by members a growing DH network based in North Carolina, to give a space for DH practitioners to share methods and models for creating a radically inclusive Digital Humanities. We encourage participants doing DH outside of the R1 context to help us address important questions about inclusivity, scale, resources, institutional structures, representation, and community participation in new and expanding local and regional DH networks.

Nathan Kelber (, JSTOR Labs, Hannah L. Jacobs (, Duke University, Triangle Digital Humanities Network, Maggie Murphy (, UNC Greensboro, Triangle Digital Humanities Network, Brooke Andrade , National Humanities Center, John Knox , UNC Wilmington, Triangle Digital Humanities Network, Kemba N'Namdi , Triangle Digital Humanities Network, Museum of Durham History and Melissa Lingle-Martin , Triangle Digital Humanities Network

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.