Creating a New Semantic Model for Ancient Greco-Roman Prosopography-Toward a Contextual & Historical Description of the Prosopographical Data-

1. Abstract

We will propose a way of describing historical prosopography considering carefully the chronological context.

Even though there are already several ontologies or vocabularies designed for historical prosopographical study, or even specifically for ancient study, most of them is not sufficient for dealing with the chronological change of the status of each person.

We therefore introduce a new model. In addition to common class entity 'Person', we create some unique class-entities 'Person@moment'. Since this entity indicate a temporal aspect of a person, we are now able to describe him not only as a single entity, but also as a gathering of contextual entities that each of them should be identified. And, same model can be applied to other objects like community(organization).

Thanks to this model, we are capable of describing 'Person' in the chronological context in more detailed way, and it surely is widely applicable in other fileds of historical study.

Jun Ogawa (, University of Tokyo, Japan, Satoru Nakamura , University of Tokyo, Japan, Ikki Ohmukai , University of Tokyo, Japan and Kiyonori Nagasaki , International Institute for Digital Humanities, Japan

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