Tracking the framing of politicians and news events across the multilingual Wikipedia translation and its unseen impact

1. Abstract

Major international news stories often give rise to the very rapid development of a multilingual set of Wikipedia articles that are the site of multiple acts of translation, the presence of which can, however, be difficult to detect. Focusing on contemporary Russian news stories, this project has attempted to investigate this area, aiming to identify the presence of translation through the application of a number of different approaches and to interpret its function in terms of its contribution to knowledge creation and point of view. To date, the investigation has revealed much about the presence and role of translation in the encyclopaedia, while the next stages of the project are designed to extend, enrich and – possibly – challenge the existing analysis with the aid of a number of digital tools that we aim to develop.

Mark Shuttleworth (, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China), Jun Pan , Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China) and Zhilu Tu , Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

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