The Otletosphere an interactive map of the network around Paul Otlet

1. Abstract

The Otletosphere is a relational mapping of personalities and institutions related to Paul Otlet. This project is based on Paul Otlet's strong involvement in international organisations for peace as well as in bibliographic and documentary institutions.

The Otletsphere runs in a web interface (Figure 1) and is built in HTML, CSS and Javascript. It makes use of the Vis.js and Tabletop.js libraries for data handling and visualization. Data is stored in JSON.

Figure 1

Olivier Le Deuff (, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, laboratoire MICA E3D, Arthur Perret (, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, laboratoire MICA E3D and Clement Borel , Université Bordeaux Montaigne, laboratoire MICA E3D

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.