A Priority Programme on Computational Literary Studies

1. Abstract

Beginning in 2020, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding projects within the framework of a new priority programme on "Computational Literary Studies" (CLS). The funding agency is financing ten individual research projects in Germany and Switzerland.

The research projects focus on mostly German literary fiction - including novels, drama and poetry - and encompass a broad spectrum of computational methods including network and sentiment analysis, stylometry and natural language processing, with the explicit aim of advancing new methods in the research field. The projects are highly interdisciplinary, in most of them digital humanists working in close cooperation with literary scholars on questions highly relevant for the current discourses in literary studies.

The poster informs about the programme and its constituent projects with the aim to reach out to the international community, and encourage researchers and organizations to connect, network and discover opportunities for cooperation and exchange.

Steffen Pielström (pielstroem@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de), University of Würzburg, Germany, José Calvo , University of Würzburg, Germany, Nils Reiter , University of Stuttgart, Germany, Evelyn Gius , University of Darmstadt, Germany, Christof Schöch , University of Trier, Germany, Simone Winko , University of Göttingen, Germany, Jonas Kuhn , University of Stuttgart, Germany and Fotis Jannidis , University of Würzburg, Germany

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.