Pedagogy of the Digitally Oppressed Practicing Anti-colonial DH Pedagogy and Research

1. Abstract

This forum invites scholars, creative practitioners, activists, and community members to collectively discuss and develop strategies for refusing the damaging colonialities too often perpetuated within digital humanities teaching, learning, and research practices. Some of the topics that we hope to touch on in this discussion include: 1) how colonial ideologies and extractive research methods are naturalized within hegemonic DH principles and practices, 2) what anti-colonial DH pedagogies and insurgent research practices we might incorporate into individual contexts of digital humanities knowledge-making, especially given the uneven distribution of and access to digital infrastructures along the campus-community as well as the Global North-Global South spectrum, and, 3) how to sustain spaces for healing and community building within the realities of these uneven and dispersed infrastructures.

Arun Jacob (, University of Toronto, Canada, Ashley Caranto Morford (, University of Toronto, Canada and Kush Patel (, Avani Institute of Design, India

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.