Feminist Revisions An Emergent Model for DH in Libraries

1. Abstract

How can a library develop a collaborative digital scholarship service model and embed feminist critical pedagogy into our teaching, research, and support activities? As an alternative to these existing models for digital humanities support in university libraries, our poster outlines a feminist, anti-racist, and equity-centered approach that we used in the formation of a digital scholarship services pilot at the University of Michigan Library. To ground the poster in concrete examples, we focus on the three core programs that are developed and coordinated from within the DS Hub: (1) service model design, (2) digital pedagogy support, and (3) open data workshops and scholarship support. Through these three examples, we will demonstrate how these feminist and anti-racist principles manifest in practice around the values of consent, trust, and care.

Anne Cong-Huyen (annech@umich.edu), University of Michigan, United States of America, Miranda Marraccini (miramarr@umich.edu), University of Michigan, United States of America and Caitlin Pollock (pollockc@umich.edu), University of Michigan, United States of America

Theme: Lux by Bootswatch.