DH and the Gig Economy The opportunities and ethical challenges of Sourcery

1. Abstract

Sourcery, a document delivery app, connects researchers around the globe with on-site researchers at some of the world’s richest collections of primary sources. But using a sharing economy app to solve problems for researchers elicits now well-rehearsed critiques of the “gig” economy. Recognizing issues of labor equity and responsible regulation, Sourcery will apply the lessons (positive and negative) and technologies of the sharing economy to meet the needs and concerns of both humanities researchers and archives professionals.

Sara Sikes (sara.sikes@uconn.edu), University of Connecticut, United States of America, Clarissa Ceglio , University of Connecticut, United States of America, Wes Hamrick , University of Connecticut, United States of America and Tom Scheinfeldt , University of Connecticut, United States of America

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