Argumentation Mining in Spoken Georgian Political Language

1. Abstract

The research concerns argumentation mining, specifically issues related to its theoretical framework and computational modeling.

The research goals are: (a) A linguistic analysis of argumentative structures in spoken Georgian political language. (b) The study of argumentation mining in spoken language and the elaboration of a Database Processing/Preparation System using those results.

The research data comes from the Georgian Political Spoken Language Corpora ( Currently, the research is at the stage of lexical analysis of the text, that is, attempting to answer the question of what kind of lexicon is used in Georgian Spoken Argumentation Language.

Finally, I aim to create an Annotation Scheme that can be a base for (a) the Arguing Corpora (b) a Labeled Database for Machine Learning training that aims at Argumentation Mining.

Mariam Matiashvili (, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

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