Questions about Presentation Formats
How many submissions can I serve as author or co-author on for DH2020?
Per ADHO guidelines, an individual cannot serve as presenter or co-presenter on more than two paper or panel submissions. If more than two submissions considered for acceptance include the name of an individual presenter or co-presenter, then during the final review phase the chair of the program committee will contact that participant and ask them which submission(s) they will withdraw to avoid exceeding that limit. This limit does not pertain to poster or lightning talk submissions.
I am part of a large team of scholars. How do we submit our work without exceeding the number of presenters or co-presenters limit?
The Program Committee recommends that only those who intend to submit be listed as presenters or co-presenters for the purposes of the conference. To recognize the team as a whole, we encourage the inclusion of a citation within the conference abstract that recognizes all members of the team regardless of whether they intend to present as part of the paper or panel submission.
Does the word limit for proposals include references?
No, references/citations/bibliography are not counted towards the word count of proposals.
I am interested in presenting a poster at the conference. What can I anticipate as part of participating in the poster session?
The poster session will involve placement of a poster no larger than 24 x 36 inches (vertical)/A1 size. You will be asked to stand by your poster during the poster session only to answer questions attendees may have. Posters will not remain on display prior to or after the end of the poster session.
I am interested in a lightning talk submission. What can I anticipate as part of participating in the lightning session?
Lightning talks are 5 minute presentations of a single project, idea, technology, or problem. It is intended to either solicit feedback from peers or to advertise the release of a new project, dataset, or tool. You will be required to submit any slides you wish to use for the talk via email in PDF format. The slides will be preloaded for the session and timed to expire at exactly 5 minutes.