Below is information provided to our reviewers for DH2020. It serves as a recognition of the labor involved with putting together the conference program.

Thank you for your willingness to review submissions for DH2020! We are pleased to have you as part of our reviewing team.

You will be assigned five to six submissions to review using the topics you specified when you set up your Conftool account. If you have not selected priority topics in Conftool, please login immediately and do so. You cannot be assigned to review until you have selected your topics as these allow us to match you with submissions.

Reviews will be completed in ConfTool:

You will have 30 days from 14 November 2019 to 14 December 2019 to complete your reviews. You will receive individual emails for each review assigned. We will remind anyone with unfinished review responsibilities on 7 December to ensure timely submission of all reviews.

As you review, please keep in mind the following:

This year, peer review will be open, which means that reviewer and submitter names will be visible to each other, but are not meant to be shared publicly. We are working to ensure a rigorous and professional review standards.

Reviews will be held to the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct: /code-of-conduct/

If you need to recuse yourself from a review for any reason, we will be happy to accommodate that request. You need only select the conflict of interest option and we will reassign the review.

Reviewer guidelines, including the review criteria and how to review by submission type, are here: /reviewer-guidelines/

Please note that the reviewer guidelines do not penalize submissions based on length, but do require all submissions to show “explicit engagement with relevant scholarship, with references” (references can be in any format at this stage, including naming other projects or scholars in the text of the submission)

See here for more about open peer review at DH2020: /guidelines/the-open-peer-review-process/

Please refresh yourself on the conference theme: Intersections/Carrefours /guidelines/conference-details/#theme

As always, remember to follow the golden rule of reviewing: review others as you would want to be reviewed, that is, fairly and constructively.

Follow us on twitter at @DH2020_Ottawa or use the #DH2020 hashtag to join the conversation.

Let us know if you have any questions. We can be reached at

Thank you, in advance, for your work to make the DH2020 conference possible.

Please note that not everyone who volunteered to review will be assigned reviews for DH2020. Review assignments are dependent on meeting reviewer criteria, topical identification from authors,  and the needed number of reviews per submission.  If you would like to review for a future digital humanities conference, please contact Diane Jakacki, chair of the Conference Coordinating Committee.