
By June 15 log into Contool> Your Submissions> Final Upload and make sure that:

  • the names and institutions of all contributors are correct,
  • the names, emails, and institutions of all contributors are correct.
  • the abstract field in conftool should be updated to include all prose that you want to appear in the book of abstracts, including any citations. We will not draw content from any files attached to your submission with the exception of images or figures. All content you wish printed in the book of abstracts must be entered into the abstract entry field in Conftool. Please note we are not forcing a unified citation practice and ask only that your citations be traceable, following your preferred style guide. Citations will not count against your word count for the published abstracts.
  • any abstracts that contain images or figures should be submitted in the final upload attachment section. Individual images will be accepted as jpg or tif formats; multiple images can be submitted within a .zip or .tar file.Images that you would like to include should be uploaded as separate files in Conftool, with the lead author’s last name, the submission number, and a figure number (e.g. crompton_100_figure1.jpg). Please place the figure number with a caption in the plain text abstract in the Full Abstract field between the paragraphs in where you would like the image to appear (e.g. Figure 1: A Visualization of Keywords and Topics in the DH2020 Abstract Corpus)

If you are content with your abstract as it currently appears in the Full Abstracts field you do not have to make any changes.


Conftool mentions something about registration? Do I have to register in order to be included in the book of abstracts?

You do not have to register in order to be include.d in the book of abstracts (there are some functions in Conftool that we can’t turn off.)

If I contribute the book of abstracts will that prevent me from submitting my work for publication elsewhere?

No, you can submit your work for publication in a book, journal, or other venue. The book of abstracts is a record of accepted presentations. Your work can still be published elsewhere.

I used a tool called convalidator to contribute to the book of abstracts in previous years — where did convalidator go?

The Program Chairs and Local Organizer teams are using convalidator to produce online, print, and TEI versions of the book of abstracts. Most contributors to this year’s book of abstracts will not have to use convalidator. If you want to work with convalidator and upload your .dhc file to Conftool you may. It is available here. [updated 2020/06/12: Convalidator is down, we’ve been in touch with the infrastructure committee to get it back up again. the Local Organizers are running their on local version, so this outage won’t change the general Book of Abstracts publication timeline].

Will the abstracts be edited?

Yes, the Program Committee will edit the abstracts. They will be in touch with you via email to seek approval for any changes that are beyond fixing typos or minor grammatical errors.

Conftool originally asked for a very short abstract in a text field. Now there is room for a longer one — what’s up?

We will be pulling in the content for the book of abstracts from the Full Abstracts field in Conftool. As such, we have increased the number of words the field will accept.

Will the text from a .pdf, .docx, or .odt attachment in Conftool be used to generate the book of abstracts content?

No. You have to put your abstract in the Full Abstract field.

I submitted my paper for consideration as a long presentation, but it was accepted as a short presentation. Do I have to cut down the length of my abstract?

No, you are not required to shorten your abstract.

I submitted a 500-word abstract for my short presentation (or another presentation format), but I see that the Full Abstract field accepts up to 1100 words. May I expand the length of my abstract if I want to?

Yes, you may update your abstract if you wish including lengthening the abstract.

Do I have to include my images as .jpgs or .tifs attachments in Conftool for them to be included in the book of abstracts?

Yes, you must upload images or figures to Conftool for them to be included in your abstract. Individual images can be accepted in .jpg or .tif formats; multiple images or figures can be submitted in .zip or .tar files.

What are DH conference books of abstracts like? Do you have an example?

Yes, if you would like to see previous years’ examples, we recommend the DH2018 book of abstracts .